Restricted Key Systems
A restricted key system is very popular with hotels, resorts, commercial buildings and even residential houses for that extra peace of mind. There are many restricted system options available but all have the core feature that all keys and locks are registered, only the selected signatories can order new keys or lock changes and only from the registered Locksmith – to ensure you know how many keys have been distributed and to who.
From common entry doors, unit doors and padlocks – almost any lock can be made restricted. With numerous system access levels possible (grand master keys, master keys, common access keys etc.) you can ensure that only authorised individuals can access their authorised areas. In addition, any new keys ordered are cut to code, therefore we don’t physically need a key to copy from and there is less room for mistakes or worn keys being copied.
With these systems currently being used from a range of customers from councils to rental properties – anyone can benefit from the extra security advantages, cost effective options & added accessibility (order keys by email, we don’t need the key to make a copy then keys can be posted out or pick up in our store).